| Nummer number | Sprache language | Titel title |
1 | 3 | Français | Tu as le choix . |
2 | 4 | Français | L'automne . |
3 | 17 | Afrikaans | Jy . |
4 | 17 | English | You . |
5 | 29 | Afrikaans | Tyd . |
6 | 29 | English | Time . |
7 | 32 | Afrikaans | Die Vier Seisoene . |
8 | 32 | English | The Four Seasons . |
9 | 41 | Afrikaans | Wanneer HY praat....... . |
10 | 41 | English | When HE speaks..... . |
11 | 43 | Afrikaans | Oomblikke . |
12 | 43 | English | Moments . |
13 | 235 | Français | Trois surprises en une . |
14 | 431 | Italiano | la mia chitarra . |
15 | 582 | Español | Luz del mundo . |
16 | 1112 | English | True Communication . |
17 | 1403 | Latvian | Bezgrēcīgs . |
18 | 1775 | Español | A las tres de la madrugada . |
19 | 1849 | English | No chance for chauvis . |
20 | 1849 | Français | Pas de chance pour les misogynes! . |
21 | 3264 | English | Perfect . |
22 | 3581 | Español | superstición . |
23 | 4004 | Latvian | Dievam nekas nav neiespējams un brīnumi notiek. . |
24 | 4536 | Latvian | Lielie atkritumi (Lielais atkritumu spainis) . |
25 | 4558 | English | The Kernel of Wheat . |
26 | 4589 | Afrikaans | Lewe as 'n Christen . |
27 | 4589 | English | Life as a Christian . |
28 | 4628 | English | The Law of Christ . |
29 | 4638 | Afrikaans | Die wil van die Verlosser . |
30 | 4638 | English | The will of the Savior . |
31 | 4641 | Afrikaans | Wat is die Evangelie? . |
32 | 4641 | English | What is the Gospel? . |
33 | 4647 | English | Under God`s protection . |
34 | 4648 | Afrikaans | Die Noue Poort . |
35 | 4648 | English | The Narrow Way . |
36 | 4650 | Afrikaans | Vakansie tyd – 'n tyd om jouself weer te ontdek . |
37 | 4650 | English | Holiday time – a time to discover yourself again . |
38 | 4652 | Afrikaans | Die Boodskap van die Kruis . |
39 | 4652 | English | The Message of the Cross . |
40 | 4654 | Afrikaans | Die Here is my Herder . |
41 | 4654 | English | The Lord is my Shepherd . |
42 | 4655 | Afrikaans | Die Water Kringloop . |
43 | 4655 | English | The Water Cycle . |
44 | 4657 | Afrikaans | Waar is jou vrede? . |
45 | 4657 | English | Where is your peace? . |
46 | 4659 | Afrikaans | Heeltemal verkeerd . |
47 | 4659 | English | Completely incorrect . |
48 | 4660 | Afrikaans | Proefing van Geloof . |
49 | 4660 | English | Test of Faith . |
50 | 4661 | Afrikaans | Vrees vir God? . |
51 | 4661 | English | Fear of God? . |
52 | 4669 | Afrikaans | Gebed, Smeking, Danksegging . |
53 | 4669 | English | Prayer, Supplication, Thanksgiving . |
54 | 4670 | Afrikaans | Gaan dan nou heen . |
55 | 4670 | English | Now therefore go . |
56 | 4675 | Afrikaans | Loof die Skepper! . |
57 | 4675 | English | Praise the Creator! . |
58 | 4676 | Afrikaans | Madeliefie liefde.. . |
59 | 4676 | English | Daisy love.... . |
60 | 4681 | Afrikaans | Dankbaarheid en moed . |
61 | 4681 | English | Gratitude and courage . |
62 | 4683 | Afrikaans | Hoe word jy 'n mens wat aan die brand is vir God . |
63 | 4683 | English | How do you become a person who is passionate for God . |
64 | 4686 | Afrikaans | Sirkulêre Tesis . |
65 | 4686 | English | Circular Thesis . |
66 | 4687 | Afrikaans | Bitter Wortels . |
67 | 4687 | English | Bitter Roots . |
68 | 4691 | Afrikaans | Wat vermag Gebed? . |
69 | 4691 | English | What empowers Prayer? . |
70 | 4691 | Latvian | Ko spēj lūgšana? . |
71 | 4695 | Hrvatski | Mi smo Crkva Božja . |
72 | 4696 | Afrikaans | Niks is onmoontlik nie . |
73 | 4696 | English | Nothing is impossible . |
74 | 4696 | Latvian | Nekas nav neiespējams . |
75 | 4698 | Latvian | Mūzika: kas par lielisku tēmu... . |
76 | 4701 | Afrikaans | Rabbi waar is U tuis? - Kom kyk! . |
77 | 4701 | English | Rabbi where dwellest Thou? Come and see! . |
78 | 4702 | Afrikaans | Switserse Kaas . |
79 | 4702 | English | Swiss Cheese . |
80 | 4702 | Latvian | Šveices siers . |
81 | 4706 | Afrikaans | Hoekom moes God Jesus word? . |
82 | 4706 | English | Why did God have to be Jesus? . |
83 | 4709 | English | Testimony of the Holy Spirit . |
84 | 4713 | Afrikaans | Onvolwassenheid en Gehoorsaamheid . |
85 | 4713 | English | Immaturity and Obedience . |
86 | 4714 | Afrikaans | Wie was deur God verlaat....? . |
87 | 4714 | English | Who was forsaken by God … ? . |
88 | 4721 | Afrikaans | My Ryk is nie van hierdie wêreld nie . |
89 | 4721 | English | My Kingdom is not of this world . |
90 | 4722 | Afrikaans | Tyd en Ewigheid . |
91 | 4722 | English | Time and Eternity . |
92 | 4725 | Afrikaans | Bybel of geen Bybel nie – is dit nog 'n vraag? . |
93 | 4725 | English | Bible or not the Bible – is that even a question? . |
94 | 4726 | Afrikaans | Die God van alle vertroosting . |
95 | 4726 | English | The God of all comfort . |
96 | 4730 | Afrikaans | Tyd vlieg verby . |
97 | 4730 | English | Time flies . |
98 | 4734 | Afrikaans | Geloof en Genesing . |
99 | 4734 | English | Faith and Healing . |
100 | 4738 | Afrikaans | Nou is die tyd, nou is die uur . |
101 | 4738 | English | Now is the time, now is the hour . |
102 | 4742 | Afrikaans | Die spot van die laaste dae . |
103 | 4742 | English | Mocking in the last days . |
104 | 4743 | Afrikaans | Wie val, verongeluk nie . |
105 | 4743 | English | Whoever falls, does not crash . |
106 | 4749 | Afrikaans | Ware Skoonheid . |
107 | 4749 | English | True Beauty . |
108 | 4751 | Afrikaans | Die Nuwe Jerusalem . |
109 | 4751 | English | The New Jerusalem . |
110 | 4760 | Afrikaans | In Ewigheid - Amen! . |
111 | 4760 | English | In Eternity - Amen! . |
112 | 4761 | Afrikaans | Die Tien Vergunnings . |
113 | 4761 | English | The Ten Concessions . |
114 | 4762 | Latvian | Tavs prāts lai notiek . |
115 | 4766 | Afrikaans | God openbaar Homself in die Bybel . |
116 | 4766 | English | God reveals Himself in the Bible . |
117 | 4770 | Afrikaans | Verborgenheid van die Ongeregtigheid . |
118 | 4770 | English | The mystery of iniquity . |
119 | 4772 | Afrikaans | Toe hulle God se Seun doodgemaak het, skryf God 'n nuwe Testament . |
120 | 4772 | English | After they killed His Son, God wrote a new Testament . |
121 | 4774 | Afrikaans | Skaduwee Christen . |
122 | 4774 | English | Shadow Christian . |
123 | 4783 | Afrikaans | Wat sal ek sê? . |
124 | 4783 | English | What should I say? . |
125 | 4784 | Afrikaans | Alleen is jy klein . |
126 | 4784 | English | Alone you are small . |
127 | 4786 | Afrikaans | Geloof en Wet . |
128 | 4786 | English | Faith and Law . |
129 | 4787 | Afrikaans | Het jy God al ooit gesien? . |
130 | 4787 | English | Have you ever seen God? . |
131 | 4794 | Afrikaans | Ek kan die hele dag lank vies word – maar ek is nie verplig om dit te doen nie . |
132 | 4794 | English | I can get annoyed all day long – but I am not obliged to do so . |
133 | 4795 | Afrikaans | Die newel en die lewe . |
134 | 4795 | English | The fog and life . |
135 | 4806 | Afrikaans | Die Versoening van my lewe . |
136 | 4806 | English | The Atonement of my life . |
137 | 4808 | Afrikaans | Christus of Muhammed . |
138 | 4808 | English | Christ or Muhammed . |
139 | 4817 | Afrikaans | Maak die deur hoog . |
140 | 4817 | English | Make high the door . |
141 | 4819 | Afrikaans | Hoe kom ek in die hemel? . |
142 | 4819 | English | How do I get to heaven? . |
143 | 4820 | Afrikaans | Veranderte Mense . |
144 | 4820 | English | Transformed people . |
145 | 4823 | Afrikaans | Die Geloof is nie almal se ding nie . |
146 | 4823 | English | Faith is not every person's thing . |
147 | 4824 | Afrikaans | Verlossing deur Verhouding . |
148 | 4824 | English | Salvation through Relationship . |
149 | 4830 | Afrikaans | Ja, wanneer Jesus weer kom . |
150 | 4830 | English | Yes, when Jesus comes again . |
151 | 4833 | Afrikaans | Op die straat van Hoop Deel 1 . |
152 | 4833 | English | Upon the road of Hope Part I . |
153 | 4834 | Afrikaans | Op die straat van Hoop Deel 2 . |
154 | 4834 | English | Upon the road of Hope Part 2 . |
155 | 4851 | English | God the Father . |
156 | 4853 | English | Personalized Faith . |
157 | 4854 | English | Sanctification . |
158 | 4857 | English | Becoming Like Jesus . |
159 | 4858 | English | Powers and Forces . |
160 | 4859 | English | Hopelessness? . |
161 | 4860 | English | Persecution and Obedience . |
162 | 4862 | English | Judge and Saviour . |
163 | 4866 | English | Saved by Grace . |
164 | 4868 | English | Not of this world . |
165 | 4870 | English | Unskilled Boldness . |
166 | 4873 | English | Compassion, Peace, Love . |
167 | 4874 | English | Disease – we still experience some of it … . |
168 | 4881 | English | Advice for daily living . |
169 | 4884 | English | We can do it! . |
170 | 4888 | English | Throw it in the bin . |
171 | 4903 | English | Seized by desire . |
172 | 4905 | English | Oh when the Saints go marching in . |
173 | 4918 | English | In Remembrance! . |
174 | 4922 | English | The Path of Abraham . |
175 | 4923 | English | Avoid evil, do good . |
176 | 4926 | English | The Bible, the newsflash service . |
177 | 4926 | Latvian | Bībele – īsziņu pakalpojumi. . |
178 | 4928 | English | The most important aspects of faith . |
179 | 4936 | English | Perilous times . |
180 | 4937 | English | God rewards faith . |
181 | 4938 | English | Maranatha - Lord come soon! . |
182 | 4939 | English | Spared for salvation . |
183 | 4940 | English | Why specifically me? . |
184 | 4943 | English | Nothing is possible without love! . |
185 | 4946 | English | Eternal Loss . |
186 | 4950 | English | What do you serve on your noodles? . |
187 | 4951 | English | Crazy . |
188 | 4952 | English | Holy Spirit Presence . |
189 | 4953 | English | Love versus Strife . |
190 | 4956 | English | Learning through Suffering . |
191 | 4958 | English | Turn! Turn! Turn! . |
192 | 4963 | English | God thinks about us . |
193 | 4964 | English | More is not possible . |
194 | 4966 | English | Learning from Jesus . |
195 | 4968 | English | Human Longings . |
196 | 4970 | English | The Light in the Darkness . |
197 | 4971 | English | The Bread of Life . |
198 | 4973 | English | In Jesus' Image . |
199 | 4975 | English | The Resurrection and the Life . |
200 | 4978 | English | The Vine . |
201 | 4980 | English | The Good Shepherd . |
202 | 4985 | English | The Door . |
203 | 4986 | English | The courage of Thomas . |
204 | 4987 | English | Invest patience and love . |
205 | 4993 | English | Be able to speak . |
206 | 4994 | English | Dignity and calling . |
207 | 4997 | English | The Awakening . |
208 | 5000 | English | 5000 - a Second of Eternity . |
209 | 5001 | English | You are Mine . |
210 | 5005 | English | Heart and thoughts . |
211 | 5006 | English | Order and Disorder . |
212 | 5007 | English | Evil exists always and everywhere . |
213 | 5014 | English | The City of Sorceries . |
214 | 5015 | English | To be a blessing like Abraham . |
215 | 5016 | English | Words to live by . |
216 | 5020 | English | To continue with the blessing of God . |
217 | 5021 | English | God is without iniquity . |
218 | 5022 | English | Training, Testing, Example . |
219 | 5023 | English | Where do you come from? . |
220 | 5039 | English | Trust enhancing measures . |
221 | 5042 | English | Exhorted: Rethink . |
222 | 5047 | English | How often have I doubted, how often questioned? . |
223 | 5048 | English | Faith and Misery . |
224 | 5050 | English | Whenever you partake of this Bread . |
225 | 5076 | English | Faith is what you make of it . |
226 | 5079 | English | Do you have lack? . |
227 | 5080 | English | Hope in tribulation . |
228 | 5082 | English | Amazing Hope . |
229 | 5084 | English | The tongue – little member, huge effect . |
230 | 5085 | English | Useful knowledge . |
231 | 5087 | English | Life is a decision . |
232 | 5094 | English | GOD knows you! . |
233 | 5096 | English | Serving and Loving . |
234 | 5097 | English | The Baptism of John . |
235 | 5098 | English | Wanted: Living Faith . |
236 | 5104 | English | You will pay for that! . |
237 | 5109 | English | Never alone again . |
238 | 5113 | English | Hope for a hopeless world! . |
239 | 5117 | English | Speaking before you think . |
240 | 5118 | English | The Critic . |
241 | 5119 | English | Inferior and despised . |
242 | 5123 | English | Modern talking . |
243 | 5127 | English | Without drawing there is no coming . |
244 | 5128 | English | The suffering of the righteous . |
245 | 5129 | English | Order means responsibility . |
246 | 5132 | English | The Act of Servanthood! . |
247 | 5135 | English | Time and Circumstances . |
248 | 5136 | English | Before the sun goes down . |
249 | 5138 | English | Tears and Joy . |
250 | 5140 | English | Preservation and Trust . |
251 | 5144 | English | The Self-witness of God . |
252 | 5145 | English | Halloween or Reformations day? . |
253 | 5147 | English | ''Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it!'' . |
254 | 5148 | English | Don't remain alone . |
255 | 5152 | English | The Punishment was laid upon Jesus . |
256 | 5158 | English | Your will be done . |
257 | 5162 | English | My Kingdom is not of this world . |
258 | 5163 | English | The new Covenant . |
259 | 5166 | English | Let us not grow weary in well-doing . |
260 | 5167 | English | Satisfied?! . |
261 | 5168 | English | Responsibility - Part 1 . |
262 | 5169 | English | Responsibility - Part 2 . |
263 | 5170 | English | Turning point of history . |
264 | 5175 | English | Prayer sets free . |
265 | 5177 | English | Faith changes everything . |
266 | 5184 | English | We plow and we scatter . |
267 | 5187 | English | King of Kings, Lord of Lords . |
268 | 5197 | English | Nothing is impossible . |
269 | 5221 | English | God's wrath – our witness . |
270 | 5222 | English | Hidden Glory . |
271 | 5223 | English | In Christ alone . |
272 | 5225 | English | God speaks when we listen . |
273 | 5226 | English | Egon - and the winter shall come... . |
274 | 5229 | English | Don't believe it . |
275 | 5230 | English | Life is fatal . |
276 | 5231 | English | My soul is still before God . |
277 | 5232 | English | My thoughts are not your thoughts . |
278 | 5234 | English | Length and width degrees . |
279 | 5235 | English | Death, life, hope . |
280 | 5236 | English | Are you coming to the party? . |
281 | 5244 | English | The Word of Truth . |
282 | 5246 | English | Serve through God's power . |
283 | 5251 | English | The brightness of His Glory . |
284 | 5259 | English | Eternity lasts longest . |
285 | 5263 | English | Light pollution . |
286 | 5266 | English | What have you done to Jesus? . |
287 | 5269 | English | In good times and in bad . |
288 | 5271 | English | What do we really need? . |
289 | 5272 | English | Who am I? . |
290 | 5278 | English | Long-distance relationship . |
291 | 5279 | English | Doubt or certainty? . |
292 | 5282 | English | Striving after the unattainable? . |
293 | 5285 | English | Eternal Priesthood . |
294 | 5286 | English | For nation and country? . |
295 | 5292 | English | A big difference . |
296 | 5294 | English | Period witnesses . |
297 | 5295 | English | The love of money . |
298 | 5296 | English | The old man and the sea . |
299 | 5299 | English | Hurting and healing . |
300 | 5300 | English | Love or harsh words? . |
301 | 5303 | English | Living from the Source . |
302 | 5308 | English | When encountering immense stress . |
303 | 5310 | English | Profitable Faith . |
304 | 5311 | English | Be strong and of good courage! . |
305 | 5317 | English | Crucifixion and resurrection . |
306 | 5321 | English | Indescribable joy . |
307 | 5336 | English | And darkness covered the earth . |
308 | 5338 | English | When things don't work out your way . |
309 | 5342 | English | Imperishable Hope . |
310 | 5343 | English | Pride and haughtiness . |
311 | 5348 | English | Life Blood . |
312 | 5351 | English | Now is the time of grace . |
313 | 5353 | English | Ten virgins Part 1 . |
314 | 5354 | English | Ten virgins Part 2 . |
315 | 5363 | English | When it gets really hot again . |
316 | 5365 | English | Patience – Part of Faith . |
317 | 5370 | English | Who fears God? . |
318 | 5376 | English | Joy . |
319 | 5384 | English | Light illuminates the darkness . |
320 | 5387 | English | A summer storm . |
321 | 5393 | English | Toasted Sandwiches . |
322 | 5394 | English | Decisions . |
323 | 5399 | English | What are we building upon? . |
324 | 5407 | English | Are you waiting? . |
325 | 5410 | English | Visible Evangelism . |
326 | 5412 | English | Healing of the mother-in-law . |
327 | 5413 | English | Winner and loser . |
328 | 5414 | English | Recognition or rejection? . |
329 | 5420 | English | Desire for reconciliation . |
330 | 5422 | English | What is in a meat sausage? . |
331 | 5425 | English | Until the end of the world . |
332 | 5429 | English | Lift the hands - weekend . |
333 | 5433 | English | Good and evil . |
334 | 5436 | English | Why complicate it when it can also be simple? . |
335 | 5437 | English | Is anyone there? . |
336 | 5441 | English | Spiritual Unity . |
337 | 5445 | English | Caught in the act! . |
338 | 5449 | English | Righteousness in Christ . |
339 | 5453 | English | As soon as the money reaches the money-box, the soul leaps into heaven! . |
340 | 5454 | English | According to which habits do you live? . |
341 | 5462 | English | Bread of Life . |
342 | 5464 | English | Love not the world . |
343 | 5468 | English | Sin and the Cross . |
344 | 5469 | English | Pride and Humility . |
345 | 5470 | English | No pain, no gain . |
346 | 5475 | English | Wisdom and Peace . |
347 | 5485 | English | When God calls . |
348 | 5488 | English | Faith not sight . |
349 | 5499 | English | Misfortune, superstition, erroneous teachings . |
350 | 5504 | English | On your death day . |
351 | 5506 | English | The good Samaritan . |
352 | 5509 | English | Jesus in my house . |
353 | 5510 | English | Praying in God's will . |
354 | 5521 | English | Do our actions have consequences? . |
355 | 5524 | English | The Crucified . |
356 | 5525 | English | Erroneous Gospel . |
357 | 5530 | English | Watch your tongue! . |
358 | 5536 | English | I see the world – widdewidde the way I want to . |
359 | 5551 | English | Every year again . |
360 | 5560 | Español | La vida es un viaje - No lleves mucho equipaje contigo . |
361 | 5573 | English | Christ the Saviour is born! . |
362 | 5582 | English | Water of Life . |
363 | 5583 | English | Money rules the world . |
364 | 5585 | English | Birthday gifts . |
365 | 5601 | English | Spaghetti must be cooked . |
366 | 5623 | English | How so, why, for what reason – whomever does not ask remains ignorant! . |
367 | 5625 | English | When less becomes more . |
368 | 5631 | English | Overcoming the world . |
369 | 5660 | English | To the end of the earth . |
370 | 5714 | English | Way and Goal! . |
371 | 5719 | English | God’s plan throughout the ages . |
372 | 5729 | English | You perform awesome miracles, awesome! . |
373 | 5750 | English | Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent . |
374 | 5764 | English | Job-sharing . |